Chapter 1

Very often he had to deal with specialists and his predecessors getting lost in a tangle of disputes and intrigues. However, he nevertheless did his job and ran the politics of Atlantis to the best of his ability, and he could tell from the reactions of his superiors that he was not doing as badly as he thought. 

-Hello Hugo.- Bleist smiled, seeing his friend in a state of deep thought.

-Darius!- Othis turned to his guest and rushed to hug him in greeting.-You have been away for a long time. You must have been admiring some of the wonders of the Tract, or any of the city's parks.

-To be honest, I don't like the central Dagos at all anymore.-The mage squirmed slightly with distaste.-I really liked the old one better, which I still remember from my term.

-Well, tastes are not to be discussed.- Othis waved his hand towards the table.-Sit down, dinner will be served soon.

-You always know what I need.- Bleist accepted the invitation and sat down on a chair opposite his host.-Tell me how your time in your new role is going.- He asked, looking around the room once more.

-You know, everything was great at first, but after just a few days I got fed up with everything. Constant meetings with all kinds of representatives of the nobility, endless balls following one after another and being the number one topic on the list of gossip can really wear a person out.- The mage rolled his eyes and waved his hand warding off the memory.- It doesn't matter. Let's not spoil the evening with tales of some twisted business. Rather, tell me what's going on with you.

-You know.- Bleist nodded his head slowly.-Old misery. As an advisor they rather keep me on Atlantis, but just as often I have to tangle with all the diplomatic missions which is no fun for me.

-I think it will be different here,- Othis stated with a glint in his eye.

-Surely.- Bleist laughed cheerfully.-I'm on holiday here, so it must be better than on business trips.

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