Chapter 5

shield. If I am the source? He rested both hands on his thighs looking somewhere in front of him. There's only one way to find out. He thought and closed his eyes again concentrating on the energy around him.

Once again he sensed the sphere around him. He quickly found one of the threads and followed it to where it was disintegrating, then took a deep breath and suddenly began to focus not on what was around him, but on himself.

He was surprised to sense his own body. Suddenly he could just feel the blood pulsing in his veins, his organs working and something else. Somewhere inside, as if beyond all this, he sensed threads of energy pulling in every direction without any order or purpose. They filled every nook and cranny of his body, which surprised him the most. Only now did he feel how much energy was there, power that was beyond any control, that wanted to get out somehow, to be used. Fascinated, he began to follow its course and after a few moments he noticed that none of it was coming out of one particular point, but they all had something in common.

He looked even deeper into himself examining everything more closely than before. Unexpectedly, he bumped into something that was outside his body, but was his essence. He did not know what to call it. He found himself in a space of his own consciousness filled with streams of undirected energy stretching in all directions.

He wanted to grab the closest of the threads, but could not reach out. For a moment he stared at it somewhat stupefied and then criticised himself. How am I supposed to grab something inside myself? After all, not with my hand!

He concentrated hard on the flowing energy and tried to push it with his thoughts. The stream wobbled and changed its course slightly. He was pleased and pushed again, but this time harder. The thread bulged and changed its course again.

He wanted to try something different and focused on one point on this line. Instead

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