Chapter 6

Bleist immediately entered the study, without any announcement. Othis did not even look towards the entrance but immediately summoned his friend with a gesture. The Ambassador was sitting at one of the smaller tables, which was completely covered with various documents.

-You've found out something.- Hugo stated before Darius could even open his mouth.-I hope it's something important.

-I found him.

-Where?- Othis straightened up and focused his gaze on his friend's face. He was slightly surprised at such a quick development.- Where did you hide him?- He asked looking around the room.

-Nowhere.- Bleist shrugged his shoulders and smiled as he saw the look on the face of the mage sitting in front of him. -He himself has learned to shape energy. He controls it as if he attended the Academy on Atlantis for about six months.

-What? -This time Othis was quite surprised.-But... but how?

-I don't know how, but he accomplished it on his own. He found it somewhere within himself.- Darius smiled broadly.- In my opinion, he has innate intuition and the ability to control his power.

Othis looked at his friend in silence for a while. He didn't quite know what he should do now, as it had happened so quickly that he didn't yet have a plan in place. He sat slightly stupefied, and a great race of thoughts and ideas went on in his head. Successive scenes were whirling in his mind. Plans appeared and disappeared, possibilities for the realisation of this operation, the next steps. Somewhere scenarios of conversations with nobles and high-ranking figures in the dragon world were churning. One thought chased away another.

He breathed deeply calming his breath and forcing his mind to quiet down. He focused on reality and the key points that needed his attention.

-So where is he?- He asked unconsciously fumbling with some document he had been holding in his hand the whole time.

-He's holed up in an abandoned orphanage. He seems to feel safe there and no one but this elven girl knows where he disappears to. It seems...

-Wait, wait... You're getting

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