Chapter 3

The dragon did not move. It continued to sit with its head lowered, stubbornly staring at a single point on the floor. The elven girl already knew what he was really worried about from the very beginning of their conversation. Maybe what was happening to him filled him with fear, but he was even more frightened by the vision of being alone. Now she knew and understood him. She had no idea how she would have behaved if she had been in his place, but she was sure that he would have tried with all his might to be there for her and help her with everything.

Jeviev got up from her seat and walked over to Draco. She gently touched his cheek and turned his head so that she could look into his eyes.

-It will be alright, Draco,- she whispered.-Remember that you are not alone with this.

As soon as she said those words she herself felt as if she were lighter, and when she saw the dragon's smile she knew they would make it.

-Wait... What!- Othis looked at his friend with wide eyes.-It is impossible, though. Dragons don't...

-Well, that's right.- Darius let go of him and began to circle around.-Dragons do not wield magic to any degree. They are creatures of magic, but they are not able to use it... It is unprecedented, unusual.

-Stop!- Hugo stood in front of his friend looking at him in disbelief. He himself didn't know what to think about it.-If this is really the case then we must find him immediately. If only to check it out.

-That's what I said!- Bleist bridled.- We must check him out and then inform the Grand Master and the Crown Marshal. They must know about it. It'll be more difficult after that...

-If the Dragon Council sniffs something out it won't be more difficult only it will become an almost impossible task.

-Unless we have a good bargaining chip.- Bleist smiled broadly.-You just have to work out what they would want.

-As usual, I'm always the one who has to solve the

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