Chapter 3

worst problems.- Othis murmured a little sadly.-But what effect could such a combination have on his abilities?-He asked this question essentially to himself and not quite consciously repeated it aloud.

-I'm not sure, but it seems to me that he can be really strong.- Bleist shook his head.With a single hit of unformed energy he shattered one of my shields.

-But... how? -After this information, Othis had already completely lost any understanding of the situation. A huge whirlpool of questions appeared in his mind demanding immediate exploration.

-Another thing we don't know.- Darius smiled looking at his confused friend.-I think we both need to start looking for answers. Immediately.

Othis only nodded and immediately moved towards his desk by the window overlooking the garden. Some sort of framework plan of action was beginning to form in his head and he was sure that Bleist was also aware of what he needed to do. Without any further exchange of words, they both knew what they had to do. Hugo began to look through his notes on the masters sitting in the Dragon Council, while Darius took a quick step towards the gates of the Embassy wanting to look for useful information on the dragon-mage.

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